12 Best Read-Aloud Books for the Whole Family

12+ Popular and Favorite Read-Aloud Books for the Whole Family. This collection of classics and new favorites will bring everyone together.

Reading to our children has many benefits, which are well known to all of us. Their imaginations are stimulated and their horizons are widened. They are better able to develop their language and listening skills, as well as be better prepared to comprehend what is written down. Keep reading aloud to your kids even after they've mastered the ability to read on their own. The whole family can take part in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn and grow.

12 Best Read-Aloud for the Whole Family

Chomp, scat, hoot, flush, squirm, wrecker, skink - all by Carl Hiaasen

Here is another author that has become a family favorite. Carl Hiaasen’s books are hilarious! We have read them more than once and we love to get the audio books on CD and listen to them on trips.

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

This series is perfect for your children if they enjoy reading unconventional stories. The plot of A Series of Unfortunate Events revolves around three kids who are left without parents after a fire in their home takes their parents' lives. They find themselves in the presence of the antagonist, Count Olaf, at his residence. It appears that the children are the only ones who recognize that something is amiss, and they quickly learn that he is after their inheritance.

The Baudelaire children's attempts to flee their foster father are thwarted by a series of "unfortunate" occurrences, and as a result, they are relocated to several different homes and placed with unfamiliar foster parents. Count Olaf is always able to locate them, despite his attempts to conceal himself. While the children are fleeing from this evil man and his henchmen and looking for answers about the mysterious circumstances surrounding their parents' deaths, they are forced to endure one tragedy after another.

Watership Down by Richard Adams

A catastrophic event that will lead to the extinction of their colony is seen in a vision by one of the rabbits. A small group of people decides to go on a long journey across the countryside in search of a new home, even though the majority of the people don't believe them. This is a tense tale about the importance of honor, bravery, and self-sacrifice among heroes.

The twits, the witches, george’s marvelous medicine, the bfg, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, , by Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl is by far our favorite author! A friend gifted my son The Twits when he was a young boy and we were instantly Dahl’s biggest fan! We have read them all and reread them over and over again.

Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankelweiler by E. L. Konigsburg

Claudia takes her brother with her when she makes a break for it and heads to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. As soon as they entered the museum, they became embroiled in the mystery surrounding an angel statue that had been acquired by the museum through an auction. This tale is reminiscent of the movie "Night at the Museum."

THE CLASSICS everyone should read at least once:

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, Call of the Wild by Jack London, Charlotte's Web By E.B. WhitE, Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens, Heidi By Johanna Spyri, Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

A few tips for Family Reading Time.

If you are just getting started with reading time with your family, you might find some of the following suggestions helpful:

1. Put it on your calendar! If you need to make sure that everyone is available at the same time every morning or evening, set the time. Develop this into a routine. It is not a fun activity to try to bring someone up to speed who has fallen behind by three chapters. Maintain your togetherness.

2. Avoid distractions. Put away your phone and turn off all notifications and such. It is best to avoid scheduling family reading time during other activities or events when there is a good chance that some family members will want to skip ahead in their books.

3. Get comfortable. As long as everybody is paying attention, comfort items like pillows, blankets, pajamas, and snacks are all acceptable. It goes without saying that you should get rid of these things if they become a distraction.

4. Make sure you watch the movie! I know, I know. In almost every instance, the book is incomparably superior to the corresponding film adaptation. After you've finished the book, you should talk about going to see the movie together. This results in both stimulating conversations and the provision of assistance to individuals who may have become disoriented while reading one or two of the chapters.


You can easily keep track of the books you've read by printing out our handy Reading Chart. Give your children the opportunity to rate each book out of five stars. You could also print out a list to keep track of the books you intend to read. We hope that this Reading Chart will be of assistance to you.

A good number of these I read many years ago, when my son was in elementary school. They are still the best read-aloud chapter books in my opinion, and I then my way through all of them with my daughters. Others are new ones that I have added to the list as a result of continuing to read and reread. Not every child is going to love every story, and that is fine. These are our favorites. 

FREE PRINTABLE READING LOG AND BOOK REPORT FOR KIDS Included in the Free Printable Reading Log and Book Report for Kids

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3 Book Reports.Printable

1 Top Quotes Printable

1 Reading Tracker Printable

2 Reading Notes Printable

Choose activities that are enjoyable for both you and your children. Keep in mind that some books have a sluggish beginning, and in order to get the most out of them, you'll need to commit to reading them for a while. I believe that you will discover that it was money well spent. These are the kinds of books that leave an impression that won't be forgotten, even when the reader is an adult. The best part is that when you pull out the book, you'll be relieved that they don't complain, roll their eyes, or rush off to do their chores.