

This week has been a whack-a-doodle week for me . . . with the crispy air brings runny noses, sneezes, coughs and (more) sleepless nights.
I called my little one's school to find out why she asked me not to take her to school and after hearing the director tell me that my child "didn't seem very happy and does not participate"(and why didn't the teacher ever tell me??) I decided to pull her from the preschool program.
The older children are off school tomorrow and today I had school conferences for them, by myself with all three little ones in tow(they were awesome).
I baked (incredible) brownies for the teacher's appreciation luncheon and drove to the school and forgot the brownies!
My children are sick and dear husband is as well, he happens to be very bad patient whilst sick (I'm secretly giggling at him).
My little one is so sick and didn't improve and I needed to take her to the pediatrician. I knew something was up when the doctor listened to her breathing much longer than she normally would.


This little one was so brave and I was so proud of her . . . I had "possibly asthma" thrown out there for my ears to absorb. I am now helping this little one use an inhaler every 4 hours. She is breathing much better and this marshmallow momma is hoping this is just a terrible infection.