Posts tagged Entertainment
Back To School S.T.E.A.M. Countdown with Netflix's Project Mc²

I just finished downloading both of my daughter's syllabi and assignment schedules for the upcoming school year. I also printed off our supply lists for grade 4, grade 6 and grade 8 for all three of my kids. I joined all the new online classes for my daughters, whom I school at home. We school part time at home and part time at an academy. Well, one day a week . . . not sure if that qualifies as part time or not?

This year I will be working full time at the academy . . . just one day a week at the academy and then at home the rest of the week following up with the teachers on schedules and syllabus updates and getting those out to all the families once a week. I'm super excited to be part of the amazing team where my girls go to school. I am also keeping a position I started at the end of May that I have been super quiet about.

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