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9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Here are my TOP 9th Grade Home School Curriculum picks. Homeschooling 9th grade students and preparing your home schooled child for the remainder of high school whilst developing the skills needed for college as well as getting a head start on high school credits doesn’t have to be hard.

This year my daughter began the school year, her first year in high school, in 9th grade, at a formal school outside of our home school. Over the years, I have always told her she would be attending high school at a “school”, so this was not something she was not prepared for. I had promoted the benefits of attending a high school for her all summer long and she was very excited about the school year.

After the first week, she was completely deflated, defeated and thought I had lied to her. The other high school students were not welcoming to her. I discovered girls can be quite mean and very brutal in high school to new students. The 9th-grade girls kept calling her pure and innocent and a brain. I just kept ensuring her(and trying to reassure) that her days would get better and they did on occasion. But for the most part, my daughter just did not enjoy a formal education at a private Christian high school at all.

I made the decision to pull her out at the end of the first semester and allow her to stay at home with me to home educate her again after many nights of tears and begging from her. She endured for one full semester of bullying, taunting, and hours and upon hours of needless homework. The thing that I found most odd was she was lonelier attending high school in a formal setting than she was remaining at school at home educating.

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Here are my 2017-2018 homeschool curriculum, 2016-2017 homeschool curriculum, 2015-2016 homeschool curriculum, 2014-2015 home school curriculum,  2013-2014 home school curriculum,  2012-2013 school curriculum and 2011-2012 school curriculum posts. Amazing to think I am heading into my 9th year of FORMAL home educating! 


9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Below is the 9th Grade Curriculum we will be using this year and all my TOP picks for homeschooling a 9th grade homeschooled student.

Math : Grade 9: Math-U-See Geometry
Does it work? we will see
Will I continue to use? maybe


We have used Saxon Math for so long, but this year we are switching it up a bit. I moved my daughter to Math-U-See Geometry after reading loads of reviews and speaking with other homeschool moms. We completed Harold Jacobs Algebra last year and when my daughter began 9th grade at the private school she was attending, the only options she had for a math class were, Algebra I OR Honors Geometry. That is it, two options. I even spoke with the principal and there was no budging his decision. I wanted her to take Geometry, not Honors Geometry, just the normal, regular Geometry and they didn’t “allow” 9th-grade students to take this class? This was the beginning of my daughter’s frustration with this school. She was really quite angry she had to take Algebra I again. So, I immediately moved her to Geometry as soon as she made the decision to homeschool in 2019.

SCIENCE: Grade 9: Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology

Does it work? yes
Will I continue to use? yes


Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology was fun with some really great science experiments. We utilized the Biology textbook with the Biology Student Notebooking Journal. In addition, we did use the video instruction DVD for Biology at home that had excellent experiments and explanations. I also had the tests and solutions manual to keep me on track. In addition, I did purchase the Biology Prepared Slides as they are used in this course throughout the year. But the slides are MUCH cheaper on Amazon than on Apologia. I ordered this set from Amazon as well. We already had an amazing microscope I had purchased years ago that has worked well for us. In addition, I ordered frogs to dissect at home and these kits were awesome!

Economics: Grade 9: Economics


My daughter took Economics during the first s Parentemester at the high school and they used BJU Press Economics curriculum. I have to admit I am really happy that she did take this class and it is out of the way. I read her every single chapter in this Economics textbook and made her study notes for every single test. I also had to walk her through every single handout and worksheet the teacher assigned. My daughter DID NOT enjoy Economics at all. I would have held off for a couple more years to teach this, but I am glad it is out of the way. Here is an online Economics class taught at Bright Ideas. This online Economics class is the one I would have used had my daughter not taken Economics at the formal high school.

Grammar: Grade 9: Abeka Grammar & Composition III
Does it work? we will see
Will I continue to use? maybe

For years, our grammar curriculum was Shurley English, but my kids were just DONE with this grammar curriculum. Last year, I switched my daughter to Growing With Grammar because it was a curriculum I had used prior to beginning a co-op and it worked well. I will admit that my daughter didn’t love Growing With Grammar for 8th grade.

My daughter was already using Abeka Grammar & Composition III at her formal high school, and I had already paid for the textbook and workbook in the tuition cost, so I didn’t want to have to invest time and money in locating another curriculum. NOR did I want to switch curriculum mid-year for yet another subject. My daughter didn’t complain about the Abeka Grammar & Composition III curriculum, so we are utilizing this curriculum for 9th-grade grammar and composition.

Spelling/Vocabulary: Grade 9: Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III
Does it work? we will see
Will I continue to use it?  possibly

We used Soaring with Spelling last year for 8th grade and it worked, but Soaring with Spelling only has curriculum through 8th grade. My daughter’s school was not using the Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III, but instead were utilizing an online Spelling & Vocabulary program through Sadlier. Sadlier is not available to homeschoolers, so I opted to purchase the Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III to go along with the Abeka Grammar & Composition III.  out and if it causes too much stress, it will go on the shelf of unused books! ☺

Field Trips/Extra Activities:

We have many field trips since we live in a great city with numerous museums that we are members. Field Trip day will always and forever be a favorite. Field trips will be easier this year as I do not have to pick up my son from school every day.

Here’s a post on our workboxes and how we use them in our homeschool classroom! I also have some printable workbox tags.

I really hope this helps in planning your homeschool curriculum for 9th grade homeschooled students! Make sure to check out my other homeschool grade curriculum picks.

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