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5th and 7th Grade Home School Curriculum

Here are my TOP 5th Grade Home School Curriculum picks and my TOP 7th Grade Home School Curriculum picks. Homeschooling 5th grade students and homeschooling 7th grade students is all about shifting a bit of responsibility to the student and adding in some fun.

Whether you have made the decision to homeschool or are still considering the final decision to actually homeschool or home educate your children, one of the most major decisions is which curriculum will be used. The choices can be a bit overwhelming and I have highlighted what I have used over the years. Here are my selections for Grade 5 and Grade 7.

Every August I write a post about our plans for the coming school year here at home. I plan out what curriculum we will use for the coming school year. I do have some help from our fabulous consortium. Here are my 2017-2018 homeschool curriculum, 2016-2017 homeschool curriculum, 2015-2016 homeschool curriculum, 2014-2015 home school curriculum,  2013-2014 home school curriculum,  2012-2013 school curriculum and 2011-2012 school curriculum posts.  SIX FULL years of home educating my kiddos! I can't believe it! WOW! I can't believe I am heading into my 7th year of home educating! 

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Usually in the past, we would still school a bit over the summer. However, this past summer, we were off on a 2½ week vacation as soon as soon was over. When we returned, I was playing catch-up to everything I had dropped and left hanging. Then July arrived and I realized I was really, really tired and just wanted to relax. Here is it August already and all my kids did all summer is their required reading, which I will never be lax about. 

My youngest daughter finished up 4th grade last school year ad will be heading into 5th grade this school year. She is super excited and slightly nervous. My oldest daughter finished up 6th grade and will be heading into 7th grade this school year.

She will be moving up a level in the consortium this year from Grammar Level to Logic Level. The workload will greatly increase as will her responsibilities regarding her work. I wasn't even sure if "this" program, which is such a great fit for my family, would work for her any longer. She has some difficulties with reading and the Logic level reading is about double that of her last Grammar level.

She really wanted to return and promised me she would work hard, which I know she will do. Even though reading is so very difficult for her, she always works very hard for me. Math is still an issue with her, but we will muster through like we always have.

We didn't work on math at all this summer, which is going to put us behind before we even begin, but I know my girls will catch up quickly. I really wanted to begin them both on Saxon ½ Algebra this school year, but we haven't finished the curriculum from last year. So, that is where we will begin with Math.

My girls will be attending the consortium again this year and they fully know what is expected of them. This will be our 6th year at this consortium and we still love it and it is such a great fit for our family.

2016-2017 Home School Curriculum

Math: Saxon Math (Saxon Math 7/6 6th grader} and 6/5 {4th grader}) & Saxon Algebra 1/2.
Does it work? Yes & No
Will I continue to use it for 2015-2016? Yes.

If you are unsure of the level of Math to place your child, Saxon Math has placement tests you can download and give to your own child to test their levels.

Saxon Math 5/4: Placement Test (PDF) and Scope and Sequence (PDF)

Saxon Math 6/5: Placement Test (PDF) and Scope and Sequence (PDF)

Saxon Math 7/6: Placement Test (PDF) and Scope and Sequence (PDF)

Saxon Algebra 1/2 (Pre-Algebra): Placement Test (PDF) and Scope and Sequence (PDF)

Saxon Math is my friend! I have been using this curriculum for a long time. It works great for my youngest daughter. My oldest daughter, not so much. I may search out something new for her this year. We will have to see about math for the school year.

Grammar: Grade 5: Shurley Grammar (Level 6)
Does it work? Yes
Will I continue to use? YES

This will be my SIXTH year using Shurley Grammar. My kids are so over Shurley Grammar. But, our consortium uses it, so we sort of have to as well. It does help with grammar and teaches the foundation correctly. But, it tends to be repetitive and boring after so many years. However, it really, really does help kids with composition!

Spelling: The Grammar of Spelling
Does it work? Yes
Will I continue to use it?  No

I let Spelling go last school year and we didn't miss it at all. I will do the same again this year unless I see some problems arising with Spelling. thankfully, I don't have issues with spelling.

Handwriting/Penmanship: Classically Cursive
Does it work? Yes
Will I continue to use it?  No

I honestly don't have time to do penmanship and I honestly don't think my girls need to work on this task. They both have lovely handwriting, they just don't know how to write in cursive.

Literature/Composition: Grade 5: Classical Composition: FableClassical Composition II: Narrative, and  Classical Composition III: Chreia/Maxim  Grade 7: Classical Composition: FableClassical Composition II: NarrativeClassical Composition III: Chreia/MaximClassical Composition IV: Refutation/Confirmation, The Grammar of Poetry & The Elegant Essay
Does it work? YES
Will I continue to use it?  Yes

Grade 5: Thunderstorm in the Church, The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt By Day, Surviving Jamestown: The Adventures of Young Sam Collier, Voyage to Freedom, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Blackthorn Winter, The Shakespeare Stealer, Cecile: Gates of Gold, Dangerous Journey, I, Juan de Pareja

READ ALOUD: Tales from Shakespeare, Adventures of Don Quixote

I (and my daughters) don't necessarily enjoy all the books that are selected for Literature, but we read them anyway. They round out reading otherwise. My oldest daughter will have the same literature teacher as last year, so she is not looking forward to the class at all. My daughter is full of exciting ideas and loves to think outside the box and her instructor is all about staying completely inside the box and doing exactly as you are told. She has her favorite students and my daughter is not one of them. This will be one class that will sort of be a blow-off for her as she does not meld with the teacher's teaching style.

Omnibus: Grade 5Mystery of History Volume III - The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations

Grade 7: Omnibus II: Student Text

Does it work? YES
Will I continue to use it?  Yes

I love and adore MOH - my kids have LOVED history because of MOH and SOTW! We are so excited to use this again this year. I have already used this curriculum with my son and my daughters when he was in 5th grade and they were in 1st & 3rd grades, so it is very familiar to me and I will have a great year teaching it again. My oldest daughter will begin Omnibus II: Church Fathers Through the Reformation in the Logic level. My son really liked this class, but it is heavy on the reading. I have downloaded all the books for audio for my daughter and we are hopeful.

Omnibus II Required Reading Grade 7: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Song of Roland, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Dante, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Bondage of Will, Bede, Beowulf, The Nine TailorsEusebius,  The Church History,  Confessions, and On the Incarnation Saint Athanasius, Saint Augustine, Macbeth, Midsummer Night’s Dream, and  Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.

English/Vocabulary/Language: I feel this is covered well with Shurley Grammar and Lit/Comp work
Does it work? yes
Will I continue to use it?  yes

Logic: Grade 7: Introductory Logic Student
Does it work? yes
Will I continue to use it?  yes

I used this in the past when my son was in 7th grade. It is a great book and really helps a student develop logical thinking skills. Hopefully, my daughter will like this class as well.

Science: Grade 5: Apologia: Exploring Creation Through Anatomy and Physiology & Anatomy Notebooking Journal Grade 7Apologia General Science & General Science notebook journal
Does it work? yes
Will I continue to use it?  Yes, we love Apologia!

We are a Science family! I love Science now - when I was a kid - I WISH I had been taught with Apologia textbooks! I would have loved science instead of detesting it. My children adore Science and I'm happy to fill their brains up with whatever they want.  We all adore Science and I will continue to be Science heavy in this house. This will be another exciting year with Apologia as we get through two textbooks. Anatomy will be another repeat year for me as I used this when my kids were in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. The Apologia General Science textbook will also be a repeat for me as my son had this when he was in 7th grade as well. We are super familiar with the text and will be using it a refresh our memories basically.

Biblical Studies/Religion/Memory: Grade 5: God's Great Covenant, NT 1: A Bible Course for Children Church History/Hermeneutics: Grade 7: Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity & Journey Into God's Word: Your Guide to Understanding & Applying the Bible
Does It Work? GGC - YES! Grade 7 curriculum is completely new to us this year
Will I continue to use?  YES!

My youngest daughter will be using GGC again this year. This is another repeat for me as I used this for my son when he was in 5th grade and my daughters were in grade 1 and 3. My daughter loves this curriculum, I do as well and it really works in explaining the Bible to children. Grade 7 curriculum will be a challenge I already know. It is new and will be heavy on reading and listening in class.

Foreign Language: Logos Latin III (Grade 5), Visual Latin 1 (Grade 7)
Does It Work? Yes
Will I continue to use?  YES!

I do not like or enjoy Latin. Therefore, my daughters do not like or enjoy Latin. I struggle greatly with this language! I try really hard, but language is just NOT my thing. Latin is always a struggle and I know we will have many hours of studying this year! But, we shall persevere! Logos Latin is very well laid out and it will be fine for my youngest daughter. This is our first year using Visual Latina and I really hope it helps us!

Art & Music:  Violin, Private Lessons and Youth Orchestra for my 5th grader & 7th grader. Art classes at academy for my youngest daughter.
Does it work? Yes
Will I continue to use? Yes 

Field Trips/Extra Activities:

We have many field trips since we live in a great city with numerous museums that we are members. Field Trip day will always and forever be a favorite. Field trips will be easier this year as I do not have to pick up my son from school everyday.

Here’s a post on our workboxes and how we use them in our homeschool classroom! I also have some printable workbox tags.

I really hope this helps in planning your homeschool curriculum for 5th grade and 7th grade homeschooled students! Make sure to check out my other homeschool grade curriculum picks.