Tiaras & Tantrums

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What Are You Wearing

The good things about summer break is that I now have little children who can take photos of me for What Are You Wearing posts instead of propping my camera here and there. The bad thing is that my son is a goofball while taking photos of me! Although that is not really a bad thing.

I read somewhere once that once you hit your 30's that you should no longer shop in the junior department. Hummm? What about your 40's? I am in my 40's and I still shop in the juniors department. Seriously I try to look for items in the womens section and just so rarely find anything that I like. What does that say about me? Am I completely immature? I don't know. Frankly, I don't really care either (hee hee). I have been known to pluck some shirts off the kids section now and again as well. (thanking my small chest for that one).

For instance, today I am wearing a lovely shirt / smock /frock  and it is totally from the kids section at Target! The new Liberty line that was introduced a couple of months ago. I loved the colors and styles of the kids shirts and dresses . . . the womens, not so much. So I thought, why can't I just purchase the shirts I like in XL. So I did. Guess what, my daughters have the same smock / shirts as well.

Here it is . . .

my son is totally a goofball

shirt: Target - kids section

jeans - True Religion - thrifted

flips - Target

handbag - D&G

earrings - LOVE THESE - I have not clue where I purchased them, I think 21

bracelets - won from this blog

Happy Friday all . . . it is hot as ever here, well, just humid, the Blackhawks won and it is an excitig tim ein the city. My hubbie is home tommorrw evening and will be leaving again on Tuesdday. SUch is life.

Have a great weekend! And totally shop in the juniors section - it is the best place!