Tiaras & Tantrums

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What a Week It Has Been

This week has been a whirlwind to say the least. This has been our last week of {home}school and the kids have had a difficlut time keeping focused.  But we plugged on through and will have our last bit of school tomorrow morning. Although, I never really let them have a full break during the summer. For as longas I cam remember, I still have summer school . We school a couple hours a day a couple times a week all through the summer. In fact, I have hired a tutor this summer to help me! The kiddos will see her once a week to stay sharp in their skills. {I know, I am the worst mom in the world}.

I have been to a few appointments this week myself to get everything in order for next week. Late next week I will be having my gall bladder out. The surgery itself should be relatively simple {or so I am told}. I'm not one for tolerating pain well, so I shall have to see how I feel afterwards. I am really looking forward to no more acid reflux and constant coughing and gaging, I can say that much!

The girls are really enjoying the new barn and I'm so happy we found this facility! Princeton {the pony} is truly a Prince to the girls. My little one is trotting already, which is amazing. Last week it was super hot outside and tomorrow it is going to be really cool. We will be inside for sure.

Today was day 21 for our chicks. My kids have been pretty much glued to the side of the incubator all day. We had to quickly run out today to the ortho and my son swore to me that a chick would hatch when we were gone. I assured him it would not. Sure enough when we arrived home, we had one little surprise. My son named him No. 1. He has ince fluffed out rather nicely. As I am writing this I peeked over and one more little chick has just hatched. I see lots of pecking on the shells and am sure there will be at least five more in the morning when I wake up. We incubated 30 eggs this year and had to toss five after two weeks as they didn't start to develop. I am hoping that the remainders do indeed hatch. It's so exciting this time of year.

Last week I saw some amazing photos over on Deb Duty's blog and was quite fascinated. She told her readers that you could find monarch caterpillars on milkweeds. Literally that afternoon I took the children on a quest to locate some baby monarch caterpillars. We found about a dozen and have been watching them all week. It is amazing how fast they grow.