Tiaras & Tantrums

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Warm wishes and a heartfelt thank you to my blogging community

Here in the United States, we are gathering together with family and friends on Thursday (tomorrow) to celebrate Thanksgiving.
A day of gratitude for all that we have.
For fellow Bloggers outside the United States, it will be just another day hard at work, hard at blogging, hard at twittering, or even perhaps hard at entering contests.


Nonetheless, it is a great time to take pause and thank each of my fellow bloggers . . . for being my partners, my friends, my sounding board, my ears and eyes, my confidants, and my critics . . . in this wildly wonderful and inspiring venture we B.L.O.G.G.I.N.G.

As blogging grows, the responsibilities we have to our community also grow. I take my responsibility very seriously. It is humbling to know that so many of you have come to my blog daily, weekly or just even once to read about my simple life. I am ever so very grateful for your support and will strive to continually earn your loyalty.

Over the course of 2009, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting (on-line only) many bloggers throughout this great nation, but not just here, also in Canada and Europe. Next year, I hope to meet in person with members of our global community.

It is incredibly motivating to hear your stories and to understand what blogging means to you. Because I know what blogging means to me. I am excited and inspired by the possibilities of what we can accomplish together. This blogging community.

Warm wishes and a heartfelt thank you.
