Tiaras & Tantrums

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My Mundane Week

One Color

I have a new toy to play with these days. I was able to purchase this lovely lens with my own money. Which is no easy feat when you don't even have a job! I've been saving for a bit and was able to purchase my own lens with my own money. I'm having fun with it.


I happen to see a lot of a laundry room every week. It simply is not my favorite chore to do in the house, I have to be honest. My secret to clean laundry is this - AJAX. Yes, I use liquid soap before I actually wash the children's clothing. Let's face it, if you have kids, you have tons of laundry and it is dirty. Presoak in hot water and presto, clean!


This week we have had some amazing weather and I was able to take the children to their favorite park (and it's not really a park you can play at). We fed the ducks and the deer and the lonely buffalo and walked along the creek. While we were walking, my son found this empty beehive.

One Dozen

Friday evening my daughter hosted a fancy tea party for my family. She made invitation and handed them out and asked everyone to dress in their finest. I took her to the store and she picked out what she wanted to serve. It was a lovely evening, especially since it was all her idea!


Doesn't this duck look so soft?