Tiaras & Tantrums

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NoT Me Monday

So, "because being brutally honest about the ways we really live our lives is a really freeing experience--and is comforting for others to read", as well-- her words, not mine:

I did not read the first three books of the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. I so totally did not stay up until 3:00 AM each night this weekend to read these books. And I so totally do not intend to stay up tonight to finish the fourth book in the Twlight series.
I did not take my kids to the park and watch my son have a major meltdown and freak out and scream and shout and have to be physically lifted over my husbands shoulder to be carried home. I did not watch son slap and choke my hubbie to get down. I did not watch my son get placed back on the ground and run and hide behind a tree, screaming bloody loud the entire time. I did not see the two mothers starting at us the entire time. I did not watch my husband walk home alone becuase he was so mad. I DID NOT STAND THERE LAUGHING THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!!