Tiaras & Tantrums

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Morning Mist

I'm not an early morning person . . . it doesn't help that I like to stay up until 2:00 am most evenings . . . well, that can not even really be classified as the late evening . . . I'm hanging out well into the early morning hours of the next day, if truth be told  . . . except on Monday mornings . . . I have no choice . . .

I have to get up and take my children to consortium . . . you know . . . so they can get an education . . . because otherwise, I would still be blissfully sleeping . . . because my favorite sleep time is like from 3:00 am to 8:00 am . . . it's such an odd time to sleep, I know this . . . it is completely abnormal . . . but for the past decade or so . . .

I have not been able to sleep whilst my husband is in bed with me as he snores so bloody loud or I have had one, two or three children needing a drink or a walk to the bathroom and a snuggle or a quick kiss or a tuck in . . . or really just something . . . I also am an extremely light sleeper . . . so the tiniest teeniest of noise will disturb me and make me get up to investigate and the cycle of getting comfortable and fluffing of pillow and all that nonsense begins all over again . . . in the middle of the wee hours of the morning . . . so I don't sleep . . .

I decided years ago to not even bother going to bed before 2:00 am . . . because really . . . what would be the use . . . I wouldn't really be sleeping . . . I would be wide awake, listening to my husband snore or felling a poke in my eyeball by little fingers . . . so getting up early every Monday morning is an extremely painful process for me . . . it is so excruciating that I usually end up not sleeping a wink of sleep on Sunday evenings  because I am so anxious that I will oversleep . . . it is just so ridiculous . . . it is a horrible habit I have let myself slip into to . . . it's a matter of discipline really . . .

I'm pretty sure I could re-train my non-sleeping brain to fall asleep at a normal time . . . and enjoy getting up in the morning to enjoy this . . .

morning mist
morning mist
morning mist
morning mist
morning mist