Tiaras & Tantrums

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More Summer Dayz

Shadow We had a glorious couple of days this past week before the temperature took a 30 degree nose dive. We spent the days outdoors exploring all that spring has to offer us.

Keys The girls had their violin recital last Sunday and played splendidly. This little one was concentration rather hard to stay on key!

Smile You know the sun really does make you smile!

Unedited (SOOC) We let our butterflies go on Friday . . . there were some tears and broken hearts. But we saved this fellow since his wing is a bit tattered. I'm not sure how the kids will react in a few more days when these wings cease to fly.

Fish --- no fish to be found in my home . . . birds, rabbits, butterflies, caterpillars, eggs that will soon hatch into baby chicks --- yes, but no fish.