Tiaras & Tantrums

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Less Stress . . . More Happiness . . .

Things are starting to wind down here around the Tantrum's house.

I had such a lovely day for Mother's Day, I simply have to share. My children gave me strict instructions the night prior that I was not to get up out of bed as they were making me breakfast and serving it to me in bed. They let me know I could sleep as late as I wanted to. I tried, I really did, but when you have three little ones who are so full of barely contained excitement who keep coming in to see if you are still sleeping . . . well, you don't really get to sleep late. I received so many extra hugs in bed that morning and they were each all so very special. Needless to say, I can downstairs to a lovely breakfast!

School is on the very last chapters. If you told me ten months ago that I would positively get through all the curriculum that I had planned for the year, I would have laughed out loud at you. Seriously, I honestly did not think I would get through grades Kinder, second and fifth grade, let alone guide my children through these grades. But, I did. We did it. We have a couple of chapters to finish up in a few subjects and we are ready for summer.

We figured things out. That certainly reminds me not to worry so much about the future. All the questions I have? How will I meet their needs? How will I teach them? How will I know when they need something? How will I know I am on the right path? I am confident that I will figure it out. And it might mean doing something one way and changing it a week later because I realize I need to readjust. Guess what? I'm totally doing that already! I'm an evolving parent.

We are slowing down. We are sleeping a bit later in the morning. We are chatting a bit more at breakfast. I am not rushing about like a crazy homeschool mom. My house is a tad bit cleaner these days. We are having better dinners. We are taking nightly walks or bike rides. We are lingering at the park longer . . . longer because the weather is great . . . longer because it is still light outdoors . . . and longer, well, simply because it is time to slow down a bit.

We are making many discoveries after the sun goes down. This wonderful turtle was ever so slowing making his way across the street, right through our yard to some remote location behind our house. He stopped to chat with the little poppets. We think he resides in the pond across the street from our house.

The baby birds took flight a few days after we rescued them from their jump from their nest. The children are heartbroken and keep looking for the baby robins each day. The momma and daddy birds were still bringing food for a couple of days. But have since moved on as well. The lonely nest now sits empty in our tree.

My children, ever the rescuers of stray animals, have now appropriated a toad. I found him as I was pulling weeds from my flower beds and the kiddos promptly "rescued" him. My husband brought up an old fish tank and Dawn, Dusk, Twlight has now taken up permanent residence in our gazebo. Guess who gets to now purchase live crickets to feed the loveliest frog you have ever seen?

We've been busy planting a garden full of green beans and beets and small cucumbers to make pickles in the fall. We are waiting ever so patiently for radishes and tomatoes and muskmelon. If you've never had muskmelon, you really do not know what you are missing.  Muskmelon is not cantaloupe my friends. It simply is not.Summer is slowing creeping into our household and I am going to embrace it wholeheartedly this year. I'm filling up our calander with summer time activites and I can honestly say, there are loads of lazy days ahead of us. However, I am in no way intending to sweat the small stuff for the next twelve weeks.

Horse riding is back. We have finally located a new trainer/instructor and the girls are smitten with her already. {She is fabulous!} One week in, and baby girl hasn't stopped asking me everyday "Do I have horse riding today?"

I love that my girls adore horses. It reminds me of my younger self when I treasured my pony, Smokey. I loved that old pony so very much. The sisters love to get into their riding pants and half chaps and get set to ride.

Mount, Sit, Walk, Halt, Post, Trot, Rein Back, Dismount . . .

We've celebrated a milestone in here as my daughter has finally lost her front tooth. Finally! Hallelujah and Hooray! She's almost nine years old and has been angry for the past two years that almost every single one of her pals has lost their front teeth--except her! One down, one to go. I would have posted a photo, but was given strict instructions that I was not allowed to "blog" about it.