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How Sneaky Are Moms? #StreamTeam #Netflix

According to a recent Netflix survey moms are feeling less stressed and more refreshed and even 19% say it makes them feel like a better parent by sneaking “me-time.” And dads, don’t feel left out. We know you need a break to sneak too.

71% of US Moms Admit to Trying to Sneak In TV “Me-Time” While Multitasking or Actually Hiding From Their Kids, And It's A Good Thing

Also according to Netflix, almost half of moms surveyed (46%) admit to sneaking their favorite shows up to three times a day, and for a variety of good reasons - from feeling like they can be a better parent by de-stressing, to feeling more connected with friends and co-workers and yes, even feeling like her “old self again.”

I don't personally watch television until after everyone has gone to bed. I'm much too busy during the day to watch any shows. But, once everyone goes to bed, I stream all my favorite shows. I don't feel like my old self watching television, that was so funny to me because I never even had a television until I married my husband!

Why moms are sneaky streamers.

I would totally agree with this survey that moms do need some time that is not completely dedicated to taking care of her family, her home and all the other things that are on our lists of "to-do's". I certainly use my "me-time" to stream shows or movies on Netflix. 49% of the mom use this for adult-time alone. I have a certain time in the night where I literally do not want to "mom" any longer. Sometimes I allow the kiddos to stay up late and they know if they have passed the "mom-alone" line, they have to go to bed.

We need those moments when someone is not calling our name repeatedly 12 times in a row, or have someone climbing all over them or demanding assistance for a task. I have two young girls who love to craft, create and cook . . .  but all of these tasks create incredible messes that ultimately I need to clean up . . .  they clean up, but not well.

Along with the moms surveyed, I also use my Netflix Streaming time to get some peace and quiet. But really, I need some television other than kids TV. Sometimes I get to a point in the day where I have to say, okay girls - "No more Jess". I can laugh at this now, but sometimes the silly antics of Jesse drive me bonkers!

My favorite shows that I have been sneaking lately on Netflix:

  1. OZARK (Season 1 droppd on July 21- WOWZA - Fabulous show!!)
  2. Gypsy (Season 1 dropped June 30 - LOVED this thriller!)
  3. Father Brown
  4. Bloodline (WHY DID THIS END THIS WAY??!)
  5. Prison Break (I can't believe I never watched this show? - like I said, I never watched television before)
  6. Ripper Street (This is one of my favorite shows)
  7. Firefly
  8. Travelers
  9. Peaky Blinders (this IS my favorite show right now)
  10. Rectify
  11. Stranger Things

I have a list of shows that I am waiting to sneak and stream! It's long, I can't lie, there is not enough time in the day for me to catch up on all the years of shows I have missed! Any recoomendations for me?

What is your most sneak-worthy show? #MomSneak

Disclosure: This post is part of my involvement as a Netflix #StreamTeam Member. All opinions are my own. #Netflix Want to learn more about Netflix Streaming? Subscriptions start at $7.99/month.