Tiaras & Tantrums

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How Important is the Toothpaste I Use?

Today there is such a wide variety of toothpaste available for every different stage of tooth development. Toothpaste options include cavities, tartar, discolored teeth, sensitivity and gingivitis. The best advice is to use a toothpaste that's right for your teeth and mouth. The key is to find the right Crest toothpaste for you.

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Thanks to Crest for sponsoring this post.

School is set to begin this week in the Chicagoland area for some districts and later in the month for other districts. My son begins this week and my daughters begin after Labor Day weekend. The lazy days of summer are over and soon we will all be rushing about with various school and activity schedules.

In our preparation for the new school year, all my kiddos had health and sports exams, vision exams and visited the dentist for a checkup and cleaning. In the state of Illinois, when a student begins high school (9th grade), it is mandatory for the new student to submit/present physical, sports, vision and dental exam forms as proof of completed examinations. The month of June was a flurry of various doctor appointments for all three of my children and submitting forms to their schools. 

We switched dentists recently and the kids were nervous about our new dentist because our last dentist was a bit grouchy, constantly rescheduled appointments, and non-to-gentle on their youthful mouths. Happily, our new dentist was super friendly, and the dental hygienists in this office were gentle, kind and very nice. The best news, was they all gave my kiddos glowing reviews on how clean their teeth were, what a great job they were doing brushing AND no cavities. 

One issue my children have had with their teeth in the past was they didn't brush properly, well enough, or long enough and they were using the wrong toothpaste and toothbrushes. I turned into the brushing police a few years ago and they have had vastly improved visits at the dentist and orthodontist. The toothpaste they used took a bit longer to change as everything was always too spicy, too hot, too this or too that. 

How Important is the Toothpaste I Use?

The big question is "How do you choose from the mind-boggling selection of toothpastes on the shelves at Target?" Right?! My kids gravitate towards the bubble gums flavored toothpastes and I always lean towards a toothpaste that will make my mouth feel alive. Neither of which are the best choices! Can you make an incorrect toothpaste selection? Why, yes. Yes, you can! Don’t be swayed by flashy toothpaste packaging. The key to picking the best brand of toothpaste is found in the small print.

When my son had braces, he developed some issues with his gums because he wasn't brushing well enough and he had a build-up of sticky plaque along his front bottom gum line. His teeth are tiny and the space between the braces and the gums was so small, he kept missing all the plaque build-up. This build-up keeps the acids from all the juices and sodas that typical teenagers drink in contact with his teeth which then could break down and lead to gum disease.

I have to watch my children's gums very carefully as they are genetically predisposed to have gum disease. A couple of years ago my husband had Osseous surgery and laser gum surgery in his mouth to repair severe periodontitis which had developed into holes in the bones around his teeth. Because of my husband's issues, my children must use the proper toothpaste! 

I always purchase a toothpaste that promotes healthy teeth and gums! One of the easiest ways to help my family's gums was to simply change our toothpaste to Crest Gum and Enamel Repair.. Changing out the tube of toothpaste in everyone's bathroom took no effort at all on my part, and the benefit to me is I know my kids won't have to have the same painful surgery my husband had.  We make oral health care a priority in this house!  

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Did you know that 50% of U.S. adults have gum disease?

Neither did I! The vast majority of gum diseases can be easily prevented. The most important plaque control method is brushing your teeth. When plaque is removed every day there is not an opportunity for plaque to cause damage to the teeth or gums. Plaque control is the most important method of minimizing periodontal disease and maintaining your healthy gums.

Periodontal treatments are the same for children as they are for adults and I don't want my children to ever experience the surgery my husband went through because of gum disease. 46% of teenagers have plaque which leads to significant risk of tooth decay and gum disease AND over 52% of teenagers already have gingivitis affecting their adult teeth. I want to keep my children smiling all through to adulthood. I am extra vigilant with my children and their teeth and gum, so here are some important tips on how to keep your family's gums healthy.  

This month is Gum Health Awareness Month

 Brush twice a day with Crest Gum and Enamel Repair Toothpaste available at Target stores

 Use the right toothpaste for your child’s age

 Show children how to brush well (the dentist/dental hygienist is happy to teach your family)

 Floss daily

 Regularly visit the dentist for checkups

 Spit don’t rinse – the fluoride in toothpaste helps to protect teeth

 Encourage a balanced diet, avoiding sugar between meals

 Avoid eating within one hour of bedtime


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