Tiaras & Tantrums

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Hallelujah, Strawberry Fields Forever

Our time was running out this season. We have been so very busy up until last weekend {who am I kidding, we were crazy busy last weekend too} that we have not been able to get out to our local strawberry farm to grab some deliciousness! Each weekend would pass us by and I simply couldn't fit strawberry picking in. We came home on Saturday from our overnight at MSI and realized our air conditioner was broke, again, for the third time in two weeks. The remainder of our weekend plans came to a screeching halt. The repair man finished ealier than anticipated on Sunday morning, so I shouted, 'who wants to go strawberry picking'? And, we were off!

If you've ever been strawberry picking before, you'll understand the slightly perverse pleasure of stooping in a sunny field to pluck warm, red berries peeking out from under green leaves—all the while breathing in the sweetness around you and swatting at bees. You’ll probably be tempted to sample a few berries as you go, and that’s the best way to pick strawberries.

We were so lucky there were some strawberries left for our little ones.

We will be making some homemade strawberry jam today! The kiddos are so excited.