Tiaras & Tantrums

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"10 for 10"

On the first day of the week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income! (1 Corinthians 16:2)

"Tithing" (giving the Lord 10% of your income) is a biblical challenge for God's people. Our church is challenging the members to tithe for 10 weeks beginning June 1st.

My husband has accepted the challenge. This created a heated debate between the two of us over the weekend. Namely because I am the ONLY one who balances the checkbook, pays bills, saves money or has any interest in keeping our money in the bank. My husband hands off the receipts to me and doesn't look at the checkbook (and it is safe to say that he hasn't done so in years).

So when he told me that he had accepted this challenge, I was a bit freaked out to say the least. "What about our own bills?" I ask. "What about tuition and taxes and insurance?" I ask. Did he think of these matters when he agreed to tithe for 10 weeks. No he states, he did not. "That is your job. I want to tithe, it is the right thing to do and we are doing it. You'll figure it out."

I won't go into all the (shouting) details of the discussion. My rationalizations didn't seem to put a dent in his thick skull. It is in my nature to immediately say NO to anyone that wants money. I was a Financial Analyst for a Fortune 500 company. I'm used to people begging me for money.

It is not that I am cheap and I do want to do the Christian thing. But, tithing is a huge committment. My point that now the church knows how much he makes fell on his deaf ears. Hubbie says to put all this in the Lord's hands, to have faith and trust. Where has hubbie been for the past 10 years? Doesn't he know I have HUGE trust issues??

We are tithing for the summer.
There goes my beach vacation! (I know, I'm beyond reproachable!)

Each person should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

I don't think I'm quite here yet!