Tiaras & Tantrums

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Dancing Violinist

This year is the third year my girls have been taking violin lessons and they have both just taken off. My oldest daughter takes private lessons and is in her school praise band and in a youth orchestra and a chamber orchestra. She is busy, to say the least. My younger daughter takes private lessons and is in a chamber orchestra. While she is only 7 years old, she has come very far in the past three years.

My oldest daughter will walk around the house, just playing her violin, carrying it from room to room, practicing, playing, enjoying, basking . . . making music. If you come to my home, you are bound to be sitting down for a little concert . .  you have been forewarned . . .

We recently saw a young gal on the news playing her violin in the most amazing manner  . . . whist dancing! My daughter was in awe and literally, since then, she has been dancing and playing at the same time . . . much to the chagrin of her very proper violin teacher. However, I don't mind as long as she is still careful with her instrument  . . . if she loves her violin so much she wants to dance with it . . . who am I to argue with her?

Last night I was taking my son to catechism class and I asked the girls if they would like to come with and play their violins in the chapel. They were running out the door to say the least. My oldest girl was in her element . . . she was dancing up and down the aisles and standing on chairs and walking in between pews and really, just having a wonderful time playing for the Lord.

I think she was trying to channel her idol and it worked.

About Tiaras & Tantrums: Rese is a mom of three. She enjoys home educating her kiddos, taking photos, and traveling the globe. Rese is a family lifestyle photographer and home educator. Connect with Rese on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+. Sign up via email for the latest updates from Tiaras & Tantrums.

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