Tiaras & Tantrums

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Christmas Tour of Homes 2010

I love this time of year in blog land . . . a peek into others homes to view all the beautiful-ness there is. I personally wish I could spend everyday walking into other's homes and just snooping about to have a look see in what and where an how they decorate! I'm joining The Nester again this year to showcase my home.

I actually didn't even get halfway through all my boxes and bins this year. I simply ran out of steam and time! Sadly, my house is only half decorated, but it still is lovely to me!

The Tree

My Christmas Tree ~ here is where my OCD comes into play! I have collected a mass of ornaments over the years that I simply adore. Some I am in love with and some I have come to not like as much. I insist on decorating the day after Thanksgiving! (The I in this sentence means me, I do not like help, and it is vefy difficult for me to let my chidlren help me. I usually let them at the tree for as long as they like and then I end up moving all the decorations to the most perfect location~ I'm terrbile, I know! There is something seriously wrong with me!) My lights are always the same~gold, red and purple ~ naturally, to match all my decorations that, of course, all coordinate! My tree is loaded and I do mean loaded with gorgeous decorations. I LOVE my christmas tree!

The children each have a small tree in their rooms that they may decorate to their hearts content!

I really do not like to share mine! hahaha

Hope you enjoyed!