Tiaras & Tantrums

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A Girl Can Dream

I grew up in very rural Iowa and I was surrounded by red heads. I don't know what it was about the area that I was in, but let me tell you, everyone had red hair. I had red hair, my mother had red hair, my {paternal} grandmother had red hair, my favorite uncle had red hair, my little brother had red hair. Even my two other brothers that didn't have red RED hair, have red beards today.

My teeny tiny graduating class of 38 students had 8 red heads!? What are the odds of that? That is 21% of my class with red hair! And that was just my class. There were reds in upper levels and lower levels. My entire little town was filled with red hair.

When I went away to college, my first 'official' boyfriend had red hair as well and I used to daydream that I would marry him someday and we would have little red headed babies. Oh, a girl can dream you know.

Now, almost 30 years later, here I am in a big city and I can go weeks without ever seeing one single person with red hair. How is that possible? I live in a city with 2.7 million people and I never see a red head - like never. It happens so far and few between that when I do, I find myself gawking away like an idiot. Daydreaming again, I suppose.

I was not lucky enough to have a little red head pop out of my loins and grace me with some luxurious red locks like Merida from Brave. I will forever be sad about this one as I really wanted a red headed baby.

This past weekend I was able to attend a photography workshop in PA and one of the little models was a redhead. I couldn't take my eyes off of her! She was so lovely and adorable and that hair . . . oh that gorgeous red hair. I really wanted to sneak her home with me.

She totally would have fit right in my family . . . do you think her mom would have noticed?

apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography
apple orchard photography