Tiaras & Tantrums

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I've Stopped Washing My Hair

You see, I am slightly obsessed with my hair. I love my hair, well, I used to adore my hair is more like it. Lately (for about the past 6-9 months) my hair has been falling out . . . every time I wash my hair,  I pull my hands back with clumps of my hair . . . it is actually really freaky. I have purchased every product on the market (I think) to help with my sad, damaged, thin, frizzy hair. I am a natural red head, but am really grey. Red hair is particularly tricky to dye because the pesky grey hair wants to remain grey and not retain the lovely red dye that I painstaking apply every four weeks. I blow dry my hair. I use a flat iron on my hair every day  . . . and it shows. I have more flyaways and split ends than normal and now half my hair is gone because it all fell out!

I stopped washing my hair and I know this is completely gross to some people but I thought if I would not wash my hair, my hair would not fall out. Guess what? So not the case, my hair still fell out in clumps whether I washed it or left it unwashed for days on end. I never put my hair up in a ponytail anymore because if I do . . . clumps go missing when I take the elastic out. My hairdresser told me that the hair in the back of my head is still pretty much 'there', but the sides of my head are missing large areas of hair. I think this is because these are the locations where I flat iron my hair the most (I can't really reach the back of my head).

I have wanted to go the route of no shampoo for awhile thinking this would "help" me with my issue of hair loss. I have tried a couple of products available over the counter that are shampoo free and was not completely happy with the results.

I wanted try a product that I had seen on television to get rid of my frizzy, dull and split-ends hair, basically, I was asking for a miracle. I have very fine, long, frizzy hair. Up until a few weeks ago, it was out of control, split end, frizzy, boring hair. I have tried everything else - hair strengtheners, mega conditioners, washing my hair only every other day (or every three days or even every four days), organic shampoos and conditioners and mousses, ionizers, flat irons - the WHOLE works!! Nothing was doing for my hair what I wanted to be doing for my hair!!

I have been using a new product on my hair for almost a month now and  I do notice a difference. Almost immediately, my hair was not as frizzy and after one or two days of no wash, my hair was still soft. After three weeks, I am so happy to say that my hair is no longer falling out in huge massive clumps! My hair is softer and less frizzy, my color stays longer (which is a huge plus and I am going on six weeks on not coloring) and my hair is not falling out in huge massive clumps (wait, I said that already)!

My hair was so damaged that I didn't think anything would repair it, except to cut off(which breaks my heart to even think about). This product is not only repairing my hair, but  I am not losing as much hair. I don't know if that's because shampoos were breaking my hair, or if they were causing it to fall out, but I have less hair in the drain and on my brushes. I still use a flat iron because my hair is still (less) frizzy, but I don't have to use it as much and I have also toned down the use of the blow dryer considerably. The amazing thing is that I don't have to re-flat iron my hair throughout the day--even in this heat and humidity!

I'm so happy with my hair these past few week I just wanted everyone to know!

See my official review HERE.