Tiaras & Tantrums

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What is the one thing you won't do in front of your partner?

Okay, I have not done this in quite awhile . . . question of the day here.

What is the one thing you won't do in front of your partner?

Are you eager to discuss this? Does this seem too gross for you? Is it too strange to find out if your friend farts in front of her husband? Do you never discuss it? Will you divulge?

Do you fart in front of your husband?
ME: No

Do you pee?

Do you poop?
ME: Absolutely Not!

Have you had this conversation with your friends? I have had many a giggle with my girl pals over what their husbands WILL do in front of them and what they WILL NOT do in front of their husbands. It goes from the whys and why nots to the absolutely disgusting.

Do you tend to your wayward hairs in front of your man?
ME: I don't have any really. Being a red-head, I am not too hairy.

Pluck your mustache?
ME: Haven't had to worry about this yet.

ME: This is such a rare occurrence for me and done in the shower and I don't think I have ever tried to hide it from my husband. What is the big deal?

When I first moved in with my then fiance now hubbie . . . I set some ground rules for the bathroom. Seriously, I am not kidding. If the door is closed, don't come in. You can knock, but don't barge in after you knock. You still are not invited in to see me sitting on the toliet. Just don't want to go there. Really, I don't. I STILL pee with the door closed. I now have to lock it or the door is flung open by one, two or three little munchkins who don't care. Usually I will have little fingers poking under the door begging to come in. Sorry little ones, Momma does need two minutes alone sometimes!

So if facial hair's not yours, God love you, but I'm curious: What's the one thing you wouldn't do in front of your partner?

Do you couple fat??