Tiaras & Tantrums

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My Taste Buds Won

I haven't been baking cupcakes and cakes lately, because my thighs and tummy and momma love handles are more than I want them to be. You see, if there are cupcakes in this house, I will eat them! Not just one, as many as I want. I have not control whatsoever! I love them, plain, frosted, warm, cold, with sprinkles, without. I love all cupcakes that I bake!! And becuase I love them and eat them and have zero self-control over my obsession with cupcakes, my body is suffering. So I banned cupcake making for the past month or so. But my kids were a begging.
Son ate 3 little and 1 big and asked for more (I said no), daughter had 2 little and one big, baby ate 2 little. I have not had 1 (or 2 or 3 yet). I just licked the spoon with a huge dollop of frosting. Yummy! Buttercream frosting. My favorite! Delicious!